
At University of Calabria, I was instructor for the following courses:

  • Data Mining, B.Sc. Computer Science & Engineering [’23-’24, ’24-’25]
  • Database Systems and Data Analytics, B.Sc. in Statistics for Data Science [’23-’24, ’24-’25]
  • Informatics and Elements of Medical Informatics, single-cycle M.Sc. in Medicine and Surgery DT (Digital Technologies) [’23-’24]
  • Correlation Clustering: from classic to Reinforcement Learning-based theoretical frameworks, with applications to fairness and diversity related problems, PhD program in ICT [’22-’23]

At University of Calabria, I was teaching assistant for the following courses:

  • Big Data Analytics, M.Sc. in Data Science for Business Analytics [’24-’25]
  • Database Systems and Data Analytics, B.Sc. in Statistics for Data Science [’23-’24, ’24-’25]
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (Group A), B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering [’21-’22, ’22-’23]
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (Group B), B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering [’21-’22]
  • Algorithms and Data Structures, B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering [’17-’18, ’18-’19, ’20-’21]
  • Database Systems, M.Sc. in Management Engineering [’18-’19, ’19-’20]